(270) 799-7953 john@globalliveinc.com

Spyware and Virus Removal

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At any given time, thousands of computer viruses, worms and spyware are in circulation on the internet. Millions of users with always-on high-speed internet connections are prime targets for email attacks, identity theft, and malicious hacker programs.

More Reason’s to Choose Us for Your Computer Repair Service

  • If we can not repair your computer you do not pay. Not even a diagnostic fee. How Cool is that!!
  • We charge by the service not the hour. You know exactly how much you will pay for your computer repair job so you can make an informed decision.
  • We have been around for years now providing computer repair services and have the experience to fully resolve your computer issue. If your computer is infected or slow we are the one’s who can get it going again and for a great price.
  • No data Loss.   We preserve all you data.   In most cases this is worth far more than the PC.

Expert Virus Removal Service, no data loss, and quick turn around.

Global Live has been repairing computers remotely for a long while now. We have repaired thousands of computers over the years and our testimonials speak for themselves. We understand how frustrating a computer repair job can be and we strive to make your computer repair with us easy and affordable. There are many choices out there when it comes to computer repair but we offer such great service and prices that it’s a no brainer for most.

To be honest most computer repair issues we come across are not that hard for us to repair. The reason for this is because we probably have already resolved the exact same issue with someone else. Security Tool and Cyber Security are two of the threats we are seeing a lot of new virus from ads from FaceBook and banner ads that trick the user in to installing fake software.

You computer is important and needed all the time.  Our turn around is usually done the same day. 

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