(270) 799-7953 john@globalliveinc.com

Tab 4 – marketing

OUR PROCESS Maintain a Perfectly Balanced Suite of Online Marketing Services Global Live Inc provides a full-service digital marketing agency with a long history of delivering great results for our clients. We take an individualized approach to every customer project....

Tab 3 – app development

OUR PROCESS WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR WEBSITE?Before you sit down to make your list of website goals for 2018, you need to know why your site exists. What action do you want your site visitors to take? What do you want them to do or know after they’ve left your...

Tab 2 – web development

OUR PROCESS Page Layouts, Review, and Approval CycleDuring the design phase, your website takes shape. All the visual content, such as images, photos, and videos is created at this step. Once again, all the info that was gathered through the first phase is crucial....

Tab 1

OUR PROCESS Gathering Information: Purpose, Main Goals, and Target Audience This stage, the stage of discovering and researching, determines how the subsequent steps will look like. The most important task at this point is to get the clear understanding of your future...
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